About Us
in Charge - Bev (and Sunny)
The driving force of Owlbrook, Bev runs the yard to the highest standards and ensures that every horse gets the same treatment as she wants for her own.
the Guards - Indi and Alfie
Just to prove the horses aren't the only ones to get rosettes! Well behaved dogs are welcomed on the yard, and our two will make sure all get a warm welcome
Night Watch - Houdi and Nipper
Yes, there are two lucky black cats, there is a difference if you look close enough. Will share a mouse if you ask nicely, and can hear the milk carton being taken out of the fridge at 400metres ! Miaow.
Mr fixit - Jim (and Polly Pekin)
Not too sure about training horses, but the odd Bantam is no problem... Aims to fix all the bits that horses chew, kick or generally need tidying up to keep everything looking spic and span.