Our pride and joy, a new (in 2009) 60m x 25m sand/rubber school, with floodlights and training mirrors. Gets harrowed every day to maintain the surface and keep the tracks flat and rut free, rarely floods or freezes except in exceptional weather so you can keep schooling whenever you need to.
Remember you are welcome to bring your existing trainer with you who knows how to get the best out of you and your horse. However if you're ready for a change we can recommend several - but we're also have training clinics with top class visiting professionals from time to time if you just want to hone particular skills.
Stable boxes
We have 12 boxes in 3 different sizes arranged around a small courtyard. 24hr cctv is in operation to ensure the safety of your horse and tack at all times. Remote alarm monitoring.
All stables have rubber matting, good lighting and ventilation.
Our paddocks are large on sandy well drained soil. Enclosed by new high post and rail fencing and divided by high spec electric rope, we offer individual turnout or twin (for compatible horses only).